Dr.Amit Jhala Spine Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Our Motto You Trust, We Treat, He Cures has been the guiding principle in the management of patients. We still hold true to our motto and not have succumbed to the business pressures of the corporate world as we have continued to cater the patients from all walks of life, and the end of 15 years, the hospital now has put into place expansion plans to cater to the growing demand and up lift of services to world class. The hospital where science, patients and academics are at the front seat, where the word business does not feature in a dictionary. Dr. Amit Jhala's Hospital is top-rated Spine Surgeon Hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Dr. Amit Jhala is one of the best Spine Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Find best spine specialist near me, Spine doctor near me, Best Spine Surgery Hospital in India, Spine Surgeon near me, spine surgeon and pain specialist in Ahmedabad, ortho spine surgeon in Ahmedabad, Spinal Treatment in Ahmedabad. We provide Spine treatment in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Spine surgery in India, Spine specialist in Gujarat, Spine Surgery in Gujarat, Spine Surgeon Hospital in Gujarat.
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Spine Surgery
Comprehensive treatment of adult and pediatric spine disorders is provided by the Department of Spine surgery, including complex spine problems such as deformity correction and tumors.